Partnering to change the face of AI

Want to develop and retain a diverse and inclusive AI workforce? We can help with that.

Challenges to overcome

Hiring AI talent is difficult — the talent pool is small, competition is fierce, and the process time consuming. On the other hand, there are young people all over the world who live in underserved communities that are underrepresented, and frankly underutilized, in AI. Two AI workforce challenges that pipelined together can make one powerful solution!



is the average number of unfilled jobs in machine learning and AI

20 hrs

is the average amount of time spent reviewing applications for one position


of organizations say screening is the most time consuming part of hiring

We provide SureStart partners with a pipeline of diverse future employees trained in the principles of AI, machine learning, and other targeted skills.

Creating beneficial change

Our goal at SureStart is to address these challenges in partnership with you. As a SureStart partner, you’ll gain access to our community of AI trainees from diverse backgrounds, at the earliest point in their careers. Together, we can address both your short and long-term talent needs through intern placement and early engagement with the next generation of AI talent.



reduction in time-to-hire for machine learning and AI trainees and interns


annual savings on machine learning interns vs full time employees


hand-selected technical portfolios vs 250 resumes


A culture where talent thrives

If hiring is one piece of the puzzle, retention is the other. But how do you build an inclusive culture to retain diverse talent?

According to an analysis of three decades’ worth of data from more than 800 U.S. firms, companies must engage decision-makers at all levels in solving the problem, increase their on-the-job contact with diverse workers, and promote social accountability. At SureStart, that’s our specialty.

SureStart provides partners with a bottom-up DEI approach to broaden perspectives of what an engineer, scientist or technologist looks like.

We help you build an environment of success

The SureStart program provides meaningful and time-efficient opportunities for your employees to engage with our diverse cohort, increasing their on-the-job contact with young people from all backgrounds.


Through mentoring and advising, up-and-coming leaders in your organization can further the education of our trainees, their own career development, and your company’s goals. The result will be an expanded DEI lens for each, experienced individually, in an organically learned process that will have, creating a long-term positive impact on your employees’ day-to-day decision-making and on your company’s diversity goals and culture.

Our partnership plans

With a variety of partnership opportunities, you can choose the commitment that best aligns with your needs, goals and budget.


Hire emerging AI talent

Sponsor AI trainee cohorts

Define a custom AI program

SureStart Ally

Hire emerging AI talent

  • Introductions to qualified SureStart graduates

  • Detailed portfolios including resume, code examples, and videos

  • Custom number of intern placements

  • Post-placement support by program lead for successful internship outcomes  

  • Access to SureStart’s event calendar of talks by industry experts

    Personalized payment plan to suit your budget

SureStart Advocate

Sponsor AI trainee cohorts

  • Introductions to qualified SureStart graduates

  • Detailed portfolios including resume, code examples, and videos

  • Custom number of intern placements

  • Post-placement support by program lead

  • Attend events hosted by SureStart’s industry experts

  • Access to highly-skilled SureStart graduate student mentors

  • Presentation of your company’s technology to a global audience on SureStart’s Makethon

  • Feature on SureStart’s Makeathon finale credit roll

  • Joint PR feature in top tier business and tech publications

SureStart Champion

Define bespoke AI training

  • All the benefits included in the other partner programs

  • A white-labeled custom AI program centered on your industry focus and DEI goals

  • Makeathon themes and prompts determined by your company’s R&D goals

  • No cap on placement from the resulting cohort

  • Makeathon IP jointly owned by you and the student developers

    Pricing determined by project scope and level of customization



Together, we’ll open doors for new and diverse minds in AI. It’s an audacious mission, but we can accomplish it together.

Interested in becoming a SureStart partner?

Get in touch.